Friday, February 16, 2018

These Twin Baby Cakes Are Slightly Terrifying

Some parents go all out for their kids’ birthday parties, but none can compete with Lara Mason. This British mom and amateur baker created life-size cakes styled after her twins, in honor of their first birthday.

It took over 100 hours and 44 eggs, 4.8 pounds of flour and 8.8 pounds of buttercream to create her children’s likeness in Madeira cake. And the hair is made of hand-pulled sugar strands. It’s an insane testament to her patience and talent, even if they look like something that might come to life in a horror movie.

While technically a non-professional baker, Mason takes her cake-baking hobby quite seriously and has even placed in the Cake International competition multiple times. The first time she entered in 2013, she won the Gold Award for her 5-foot, 5-inch replica of Captain Jack Sparrow (you know, the dude from those irksome “Pirates of the Caribbean” movies). Because who wouldn’t want to eat Johnny Depp? Two years later she won the same prize for her 3-foot high cake of Prince George. As if that royal baby couldn’t get any more delicious. Don’t you just want to eat him up?!

But when it came to making her own children, the pressure was on. “It’s the most critical I have ever been while making ‘cake people’ because I feel like I did such a good job making them so cute in the first place,” Mason said. This is a woman whose vocabulary includes the phrase “cake people.” We should all be that well-acquainted with baked facsimiles of humans.

The birthday cakes lasted about five minutes once her actual daughters got a hold of them. All kids destroy birthday cake, no matter how intricate or lifelike they may be. My imaginary kids will be lucky enough to just wear pointy hats and eat supermarket sheet cake. They’ll never know the difference.

from Food News – Chowhound

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