Thursday, December 14, 2017

Our Top 10 Favorite Foods from 2017’s Friday Food Finds

As food writers, we try a lot of new food. And by a lot, we really mean shameful amounts that would have any personal trainer shaking his or her head in disgust. #SorryNotSorry

To celebrate all of 2017’s new food offerings, we teamed up with SiriusXM’s Wake Up with Taylor for a bi-weekly taste-testing segment to give 100 percent honest, authentic reviews for a bevy of diverse food and beverage products. While many were true assaults to the taste buds, 10 of these items made a lasting impression and a permanent spot on our grocery lists. We’ve rounded them up for your convenience (or dismay, should you be trying to cut back on calories before the new year…in which case, WHY?). Scroll down to check them out and let us know which one you’re dying to buy most.

Top Ramen Pringles

We typically weren’t fans of meat-flavored anything on this show, but holy-college-throwback-bejeebus, these ramen-flavored Pringles were everything we wanted in a chip and more. Salty, nostalgic, and the perfect 2 AM food after a night out. Unfortunately, the limited edition flavor is no longer available, but we’ll support any grassroots campaign to bring it back.

My/Mo Mochi Ice Cream

Come through, mochi! If you weren’t able to stop by LA’s Museum of Ice Cream to experience the Mint Chocolate Chip room, just head to your local Whole Foods, Costco, Kroger, or Safeway to pick up a box of these guys. At only 110 calories per serving, it’s the perfect late-night snack to satisfy that pesky sweet tooth.

Magnolia Bakery Banana Pudding

It’s no secret that Magnolia Bakery’s banana pudding is one of the best things New York has to offer, but their limited edition summer flavors took overpriced (albeit delicious) indulgences to a whole other level. Coconut-heavy Magic Bar was our favorite, with the chocolate chips serving as a perfect texture crunch against the gooey cake and rich pudding. It joined Rainbow, S’mores, and Salted Caramel and we unsurprisingly lived for each of them.

Chococurb Subscription Box

We may have found our new favorite subscription box. ChocoCurb introduces its subscribers to the most unique, delicious, gourmet chocolate concoctions from around the country. During one segment, we sampled caramel bars from Chocolat Moderne and they were not only beautiful to look at, but tasted fantastic. We particularly enjoyed the dark chocolate option with kalamata olives and olive oil. It may sound peculiar, but the early morning indulgence was the perfect balance between sweet and salty. In fact, it earned a spot on our Staff Picks Gift Guide for 2017.

Nuttzo Chocolate Nut and Seed Butter

This may just be the peanut butter alternative you need in your lives. We were shocked that all of these nuts and seeds could blend to create a protein-packed heaven full of essential vitamins and minerals. The chocolate variety is also a nice touch, as it’s not super sweet and almost resembles a dark chocolate Justin’s peanut butter cup. We’re also huge fans of the chia seeds for their slight crunch. Spread on fruit or eat directly from the jar—you can’t go wrong either way.

Goodpop Coldbrew Coffee Frozen Pops

Hallelujah! The folks at GoodPop found a way to turn cold-pressed coffee into popsicles. The verdict? These were freakin’ delicious. We’ve also tried their strawberry lemonade and banana cinnamon varieties, both of which passed the Wake Up with Taylor test. Needless to say, we now prefer to munch on our morning brew.
Sensible Portions Garden Veggie Chips

Pringles’ healthy cousin, these potato-based veggie chips boast lower calories with the presence of sweet potato, carrots, pumpkins, and beets. We’re not sure if it’s because salt and vinegar tastes amazing on everything, but these were one of host Taylor Strecker’s favorite things we’ve ever brought to the show. Quite the bold statement! Fire the Sensible Portions branding team, though. The boring label makes this can look like it belongs in a nursing home.

Pickle Ice Freeze Pops
Step aside, Gatorade. Who’d a thunk that pickle juice would now be the hangover remedy of our dreams? It’s packed with electrolytes, calorie-free, and super bold in flavor. You may have to get over the slushy consistency, but think of it as salty snow. Two thumbs up for these guys, which are now a pretty big dill.
Duke’s Hot & Spicy Smoked Sausages
There are not enough good things we can say about Duke’s line of pork jerky. No nitrites? Check. Only one gram of sugar? Check. Pork raised without hormones? Check. Gluten-free? Check. High in protein? Check. Ridiculously delicious? Check, check, check. It’s now our favorite mid-afternoon snack to curb that unusual desire to eat your arm (pork > human flesh, so we’ve been told). Hot and spicy is our favorite flavor, but be sure to try some of their newest varieties like chorizo and lime.
Voodoo Ranger Atomic Pumpkin Beer
Sure, pumpkin may be out of season, but this will be your go-to drink for next year’s autumn. While the habaneros bring the heat, it sips smoothly and sits well on your palate. Frankly, we had nothing negative to say about this special release booze (and we’re also huge fans of the skeleton packaging). Cheers!

from Food News – Chowhound

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