Monday, February 26, 2018

Moms Actually Do Hide the Best Snacks, According to Survey

In news that shouldn’t surprise anyone, mom has been hiding cookies again. A survey conducted by dried fruit manufacturer Crispy Green showed that 66 percent of American woman admitted to hiding their favorite snack to avoid sharing them with their partner and children. Hear that, kids? Always double check mom’s desk drawers for an extra bag of potato chips!

The survey, which polled 2,000 women between the ages of 21 and 45, also found that cars and the bedroom were the most popular spots to eat snacks in private, which makes sense. After all, peace and quiet are the ideal circumstances for enjoying an extra cookie. Everything tastes better in the sweet relief of silence.

Angela Liu, founder and CEO of Crispy Green had this to say, “It comes as no surprise that moms eat in secret. With such a hectic and busy lifestyle, moms need their secret snacks stashed nearby so they can grab them at any moment.” I would expand this statement to say all people, not just moms. Who could survive life without snack time?

But here are some sadder statistics. Seven out of ten women admitted to feeling guilty for indulging in a snack while in incognito mode. And 42 percent even felt embarrassed about doing so. But we’re here to absolve you of the guilt. There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking time to enjoy a mid-meal treat all by yourself. Feel no shame in not sharing the ice cream!

At least a majority (58%) didn’t feel guilty about their overall eating habits. Though in an ideal world that number would be higher too.

In terms of favorite snacks, these were top ten picks according to the survey takers. It’s hard to argue with candy and chips. We’re actually pretty shocked fruits and veggies made it in the top five:

  1. Chips
  2. Candy
  3. Cookies
  4. Fruits/Veggies
  5. Nuts
  6. Popcorn
  7. Crackers
  8. Ice cream
  9. Yogurt
  10. Pretzels

from Food News – Chowhound

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