Thursday, June 7, 2018

Products That Let You Play With Your Food

unicorn dress-up sticker mug

Do ever find yourself envying kids? They get long summer vacations, after all, and tons of toys on their birthdays and at Christmas. They can stuff their faces full of candy and junk all day with seemingly no ill effects, have tons of energy and no debt, and they are so blissfully unaware of how exhausting and confusing adulthood is going to be. But there are plenty of perks to being grown-up, too, from actually eating cake for breakfast if you want, to never having to clean your room if you don’t feel like it. Eventually, you even get to a point where you have disposable income to spend as you please—on dinosaur-shaped taco holders, for instance, because (a) they’re awesome, and (b) no one can tell you not to play with your food anymore (or if they do, you don’t have to listen)! These kitchen items are all a little silly, but a lot of fun, and can help add a spark of whimsy and joy to even your most boring—and grueling—adult days.

Bonus: they also (mostly) happen to be practical, so they’ll appeal to your sensible grown-up side too. Or at least you can use that as justification for buying them if you need it…

Unicorn Dress-Up Sticker Mug

unicorn dress-up sticker mug


The unicorn frappuccino trend may be over, but unicorns themselves remain enchanting, and this rainbow-hued mug with a “Stay Magical” mantra on the other side would be a delightful way to start the day even without any extras. But the reusable stickers that let you change the mythical creature’s outfit make it perfect for everyone who misses paper dolls.

Chalkboard Mug

chalkboard mug


If you want to flex even more creative muscles—and if you get bored looking at the same coffee mug design every day—this one is coated in blackboard paint that lets you draw on anything you want, from doodles to deep thoughts. Chalk it up to sheer genius.

Wind-Up Robot Salt and Pepper Shakers

wind-up robot salt and pepper shakers


You can send these little retro ‘bots toddling across the table whenever someone asks you to pass the salt or pepper. (Although freshly ground black pepper and sea salt are better for seasoning food, so you could always just use them for decoration if you’re into vintage toys.)

Matryoshka Measuring Cups

Russian nesting doll measuring cups


These rosy Russian nesting dolls also serve as standard measuring cups (each half is a different size), and are adorable and compact enough to leave out on your counter in between baking projects.

Dinosaur Pasta Server

dinosaur pasta server


Why serve up spaghetti with a plain old spoon when you can do it with a toothy T-rex instead? Making hungry dinosaur noises while you dig into the pot are optional, but you know you’re gonna want to unleash your best “Jurassic Park” roar while brandishing this in the air at some point.

Shark Attack Bowl

shark attack bowl


Perfect for holding nibbles at your next pool party, and for taking the opportunity to dramatically pretend your hand is being eaten every time you reach for another fistful of chips. If you’re more low-key, simply humming the “Jaws” theme song as your fingers approach the ceramic shark’s rather adorably gaping maw should still be pretty fun.

Poké Ball Lunch Box

Pokemon Poke Ball lunch box


Now that you make your own lunch money, you no longer need to beg for the lunchbox of your dreams; if you’re a Pokémon fanatic, this is the one for you. And if you never remember to actually pack your lunch, just use it to hold your secret snack stash at your desk.

Build-On Brick Mug

LEGO mug


Yes, another mug. Grown-ups need a lot of coffee (and tea). And this one is ideal for those who can’t stop fidgeting, whether that’s because of all the caffeine or not. Though it’s not officially licensed, it is compatible with LEGO bricks.

Lightsaber Chopsticks

lightsaber chopsticks


Light-up chopsticks are ideal for “Star Wars” fans, even if you don’t stage small-scale battles with them in between bites—although if you don’t, you’re really not making the most of them.

Dinosaur Taco Holder

dinosaur taco holder


Most of us were born with our own built-in taco holders (aka hands), but these dino-shaped vessels are great for bringing them to the table; they hold two tacos at a time, and practically demand that you walk them (with sound effects, of course) through an edible landscape of shredded lettuce foliage, steaming refried bean tar pits, and hot sauce bottle volcanoes.

Bear Paw Oven Mitts

bear paw oven mitts


You definitely don’t want to use your bare hands to grab a hot pan, but your oven mitts don’t have to be mundane. These are like a kinder, gentler version of meat claws, yet your imagination will still transform you into a marauding grizzly once you pop these on.

Baseball Bat Spatula

baseball bat spatula


Batter up, indeed. This spatula’s not only good for scraping bowls and peanut butter jars, but you can play mini innings with it while you’re waiting for your brownies to be done. Grapes seem about the right size and heft for replacing baseballs in this scenario—and they won’t break a window if they go astray.

Fossil Egg Mold

dinosaur fossil egg mold


Okay, so this one is totally unnecessary and serves no real functional purpose at all, but it’s still a fun way to jazz up your hard boiled eggs while living out your paleontologist (or Triassic super-predator) daydreams of yore.

Monkey Unicycle Pizza Wheel

monkey unicycle pizza wheel pizza cutter


If you’re eating pizza, it’s already a good time. But you can make it even more fun with a novelty pizza cutter—like this monkey riding a unicycle. It pedals as you push it across the pie!

from Food News – Chowhound

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