Sunday, September 1, 2019

7 Tips & Tricks for Juicy Grilled Burgers

best grills, grilling tools and accessories

No one wants to choke down a tough, crumbly, dry hamburger, so learn these 7 simple tricks for making a perfect, juicy grilled burger every time.

Summer is coming closer to its end and grilling season too, and with Labor Day on the horizon, that means plenty of burgers are coming off the coals this weekend. But how many of those will be overdone, leaden discs of sadness? Ensuring that warm summer nights bring tender, juicy burgers and not dry, dense hockey pucks has to do with both sourcing and technique. Chowhounds have shared a few simple tricks and tips over the years, starting with buying the right ground beef.

Some say you shouldn’t actually grill burgers (more on that below), but we say if you do, just do it right.

Here’s how to grill perfect burgers

Tip #1: Avoid extra-lean grinds. The higher the fat content, the moister the patty. A burger with beef that’s 80 percent lean (i.e., 20 percent fat) is luxurious and juicy, Brandon Nelson explains on Chowhound.

Daniel Bouloud short rib burger recipe

Chowhound’s Bull Market Burger

Related Reading: The Best Meat Delivery Services and Butcher Subscription Boxes

Tip #2: Minimal handling is just as important. Form the patties gently, compressing as little as possible (this applies even if you’re making a smash burger—more so, maybe, in that case). Just as overworking pastry and dough will make it tough, so will over-handling your meat. (While we’re on the subject of handling meat, proper food safety technique will also help prevent foodborne illness, the bane of any BBQ.)

Tip #3: Make an indentation in the middle of each patty. Just press your thumb (not too firmly) into the meat and the divot will prevent it from puffing up and will allow it to cook evenly, mike0989 says. This one is also endorsed by Jon Lemon, culinary director of Bareburger; see more BBQ tips and tricks from chefs.

Tip #4: Don’t press the patties with a spatula as they cook—that just forces out the juice. Your spatula is strictly for flipping, and only once.

Tip #5: Keep in mind there’s carryover cooking time, so pull the burgers off the grill just shy of your target doneness. They’ll be just right when they hit the table, cstr says. Conversely, pull them off when they already look perfect, and by the time they hit your bun, they’ll be overdone.

barbecue meatloaf burger


Tip #6: If you just can’t resist buying lean ground beef, try adding a bit of water to it, valerie says. A little extra moisture helps even well-done burgers stay juicy and tender, even if they’re made from 90 percent lean ground beef. Mix in 1/4 to 1/2 cup water per pound of ground beef before forming your patties to reap the tenderizing benefit of H20.

Tip #7: Try stuffing it with cheese and adding fat via toppings. The classic Juicy Lucy is a great option for anyone who wants a really luxurious burger, since it’s full of molten cheese:

Juicy Lucy cheeseburger recipe

Chowhound’s Juicy Lucy Burger

Along those lines, adding fatty, moist condiments like aioli, bacon jam, ripe tomatoes, and sliced avocado will help boost your burger’s juicy factor (and flavor), but can’t totally save a bone-dry patty, so follow the tips above to ensure your burgers stay perfectly moist on the grill, and then go to town with the toppings. Check out 15 Non-Traditional Burger Recipes for Summer BBQs for ideas. Or you can take a cue (pun fully intended) from Gordon Ramsey and just grate butter straight into your burgers.

Plot twist: Should you be grilling burgers at all?

There are those (chefs included) who advocate against cooking burgers right on your grill grates, as you can lose a lot of the flavorful juices and fat—which sometimes also causes flare-ups that char your meat to a crisp (in a bad way). Many suggest placing a cast iron griddle on your grill for cooking burgers to get a perfectly seared crust and juicy interior, and maybe still a lick or two of smoke.

Lodge Cast Iron Reversible Grill/Griddle, $29.97 on Amazon

You can use this on your stovetop or on your grill for burgers seared over super-high heat.
Buy Now

Read More: The Ultimate Guide to Grilling & BBQ

How do you like to cook your burgers, and what are your secrets for perfect results? Let us know in the comments!

from Food News – Chowhound

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